Arete Living Arts Produces music videos with socially relevant message. Art is education and can communicate to people who tradition education often cannot reach.

The music video Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! required a dozen actors and was filmed in front of a 20-foot green screen. It featured eight different characters each with matching costumes. The actors were asked to wear signs containing labels critical of who they were as people. Caeser describes the shoot, "Even though the actors knew what was required, I felt a weight in the pit of my stomach handing out the signs to them. It required a lot of trust on their part. Luckily they all seemed to understand what I was trying to do. There was a moment when all the actors were wearing their signs, dancing and smiling and singing, it really brought a tear of joy to my eye."The video uses social satire to make a statement about the absurdities of racism and bigotry in modern America.

The video has won 16 film festival awards from all across the world.

©Arete Living Arts Foundation